It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.

Thomas Sowell, a beautiful mind

What's the story

We want to make people feel inspired.

It all started back in 2018 when i set foot for the first time on Vietnamese soil. My boss had designated me to check out some supplier companies. After traveling roughly 30 hours without any sleep and being for the first time in Asia, at my arrival i was just disgusted. My senses were numb and irritated from that endless journey. The smell on the streets, the traffic, the "chaos" was too much. I thought i will go back home the very next day. Luckily i didn't.


Crossing a road for the first time in Vietnam can be challenging

After a good night sleep in a posh hotel it felt much better the next morning. Observing how the locals cross a street without getting struck by a bike or car got me save to the other side. There are crossings marked on the streets but that doesn't mean much.

Days went by and soon i was eating in the little street foodies. I changed the posh hotel for a rund down apartement at the end of a little downtown alley.

Speaking of eating, the first time i went to a street foodie was an adventure. Not so much because of the food, no, no fork and no knife...


To enjoy the rich cuisine you have to learn to use chop sticks

Getting the meal served i pondered how not to embarrass myself. Having never eaten with chop sticks before it was quite a fight. The people on the other tables started to laugh quietly as they realised my dilemma. The solution? Thanks to the very good internet connectivity in Vietnam i searched youtube for an instruction and voila i got the first pieces from the plate to my mouth.


Making friends is easy in Vietnam, they are very open people

The people who witnessed my struggle invited me to a drink, a self made kind of vodka. That day i made my first of many local friends. They really loved how much i was interested in their culture. So they started to teach me about it and took me to the villages to visit their families. While it is always a special occasion, the ones that stick out are these when we visit the families on TET holiday or for special family occasions like honoring the souls that have gone, weddings, birthdays...


Vietnamese people, they are proud people and rightly so

The countryside is pretty much poor by western standards, but the people, they are the gold standard in humanity. Hard working, always smiling, always inviting you for a tea or a snack or for dinner. The little they have, they share with you. They are proud people and rightly so.


Vietnamese people, they are the gold standard in humanity

The time went by and i felt like i had discovered a whole new world, actually i did, alone the food, what food to dip in what sauce is a world of its own. All that had such a profound impact on me that when my company called me back to europe i told them to go pound sand.

The result of all that and much more is this little website. I thought, maybe there are more people who wish, wherever they go for holidays or business trips, to see more of that destination. To get to know some locals and the customs, to party and get drunk with them even though we mainly comunicate with hands and feets.


Meet Tim, my first friend who took me around

The feeling that makes you shed a tear or two of sheer happiness, the feeling to be grounded again, the feeling that there are more good people in the world, the feeling that the world is much bigger in a tiny village tousends of miles away from home, that is what i have discovered, what i will treasure until the end of my time and that i am willing to share for a few moments with people like me.

to be continued...

A special thanks goes out to the VISPAICO CO LTD Team for their support and believe in what we are trying to do, cheers fellas.

Much love goes out to the KINHCODE Team for coding this website. Amazing work, for us they are Vietnam's Number 1 in Web Development. Cảm ơn rất nhiều

Last but not least a shout out to THECOPYWRITER.GURU for his advice, tips and tricks and his work on the homepage. After the revamp we have already more requests and customers, thx a lot!

Stories that stay with you

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