The F A Q Section

Always be suspicious of those who pretend to know it all, claim their way is the best way and are willing to force their way on the rest of us.

Walter E. Williams, a very wise man

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Are you guys for real???

    A: Yes, we are. Why?

  • Q: Ok, if you say so. Is your site secure?

    A: Yes, we have all security features that are "hip" today implemented in our site and also in the payment forms.

  • Q: What payments do you accept?

    A: We accept all major Debit and Credit cards, Paypal and Cash.

  • Q: How many languages do your guides speak?

    A: At the moment it's english, german and spanish.

  • Q: Why do you offer tours in Haiphong and it's Countryside?

    A: Well, we like the culture and the people, the dark and murky markets and busy downtown streets, the beauty of the countryside...

  • Q: Do you offer tours to Halong Bay or Cat Ba?

    A: Nope, we like to mingle with non english speaking locals mainly. We can help you to get there though.

  • Q: What if i want to make trendy Insta pics on a beautiful beach?

    A: Go to Cat Ba or Halong Bay.

  • Q: I don't ike to ride so much?

    A: Every tour is individual. We can go by rides or private taxis or walk or whatever. No problem.

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